Hi, friend!

Hi friend! I am so glad you have stopped by the site. We have such a wonderful community of moms here and we would LOVE for you to join us as we share life and learn together!

I have always loved the Christmas story.  There is something about that beautiful story with angels, shepherds, wise men and that special baby that came to save the world.  As an adult I have come to appreciate it even more, and as a mother I can’t help but think of the role that Mary had.

Can you imagine being the woman that was chosen by God to bring his only son into the world?

Mary had to deal with being pregnant out of wedlock (as a virgin), having to travel while she was pregnant for the census (do you know how hard that had to be back then?) to ultimately having her baby in a stable because there was no room for her.

What was going through her mind and heart?

One thing we know for sure is that she trusted God with her life and circumstances.  She had great faith and was honored to be the woman God chose for this incredible role.  We know when she visited Elizabeth how excited she was!

While we have not been chosen to raise the son of God we have been chosen to be the mothers of our children.  Each child given to you by God was no accident, whether you gave birth or adopted your children or a child has been put in your care in some other circumstance.  They were given by God and HE has a plan for you and them.

Many days we can fill like failures as mothers.  We have bad days, the house gets messy and the kids behavior seems off the charts, one thing after another goes wrong and before we know it we are discouraged and beaten down.

But take heart, God is there and HE chose YOU to be their mother.

He will give you the strength to carry out your roles as moms, just as he did for Mary.  Cling to HIM daily and HIS promises. 

You are raising the Kingdom of God, what an honor and privilege it is!

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