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The Legacy of Motherhood

At River Legacy Park photo credit

A few years back I was honored to be asked to read a eulogy for a dear loved lady at our church written by her family. I loved the line that read

“later began her greatest legacy…that of being a mom”!

She had seven children and many grandchildren and great grandchildren. When she was pregnant with her seventh child her husband suddenly died from a fall, she didn’t know she was pregnant until he was gone.  She lived in a very small shotgun house and continued to raise her children there as a single mom.  She did an amazing job!

Motherhood was always her legacy, there wasn’t a time that we talked that she didn’t have a story about one of her children or grandchildren, they were her life!

It reminded me how being a mom can truly be our biggest legacy!

The world will tell you that you are meant to do greater things; they put a high price on careers and education and a small one on raising a family.  They tell you that you were meant to do greater things and there are other people and places that will help you raise your children so you can have it all.

I am here to tell you there is NO higher career that HE has given you then to be a mother!  I’m not at all saying you are a bad mom if you work; I am a work at home mom so I get that.  I am just here to say NOTHING will matter more than the legacy you create for and through your kids.

How we live our lives will affect future generations and if you have come from a difficult past you now have to the power to change generations forever.  There is so much power in that; you can change it for generations to come if you will allow God to work through you as a mom.

I know it can be overwhelming raising our kids when so much is at stake, even more so in a declining culture.  What can we do to make the most of our time raising our children?  That is a question books have been written about, there are so many great ideas and articles on raising our children for the Lord.

Here are just a few things:

*Most of all we need to be on our knees in prayer for our children.  Take EVERYTHING to HIM in prayer, from the smallest parent issue to the biggest.

* We need to see out the wisdom of Godly older women that can to pray for us and to give us wise advice.

*Reading great books on parenting is great but make sure you stay in THE BOOK, God’s Word.  There are some great gems in there about parenting!

*Find ways to connect with your children even if is doing something you don’t love doing but they do.  Make time to have great conversations and fun with them.  Teach them about God’s love and HIS word at an early age.

*Win their hearts and don’t ever underestimate your role in your children’s lives!

If you are a mom, let the legacy of motherhood be your greatest calling!  It is quite an honor!

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