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Are you a planner?

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"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” Benjamin Franklin.

This famous saying has a lot of truth to it.  A great laid out plan usually causes us to be more productive in many areas of our lives.  I know my life planning has helped me a great deal in areas such as homeschooling, work, and even blogging.

It has also hindered me at times. 

There have been times when I just couldn't bring myself to change my plans even when I felt God’s nudging.  And also times when I have fallen apart because something did or didn’t come my way when I expected it to.  I have often had a checklist that I thought would come in MY timing and when it was different it caused me to have fear or anger.

God’s plan for us is SO much bigger then our plans.  SO MUCH BIGGER!

God wants to be involved in our decisions as mothers.  HE wants us to seek HIM on discipline, schooling, and provision way before we make our own planning lists.  HE also wants us to seek our husbands who HE has given to us as leaders of our home.

I have done myself a great disservice at times planning away without trusting God first. My plans are not always HIS and it doesn’t take me long to realize which are not, because they usually end up being a mess.

A wonderful thing to teach our children while they are young is to be seeking God for HIS will for their lives now and for the future.  If they begin to do it while they are young it will be easier for them to do it when they are grown.

Let us not be too zealous either, that WE begin planning our children’s future instead of letting God.  HE has given us these children to raise and love but they are HIS and He will use them for HIS glory and purpose if we seek him for our children and teach them to do the same.

Planning can be a great thing, especially in the New Year, but just remember who to seek before planning your whole future and remember it usually doesn’t happen the way we think it should.  I love the saying.  We make plans, God laughs.  He sees the big picture and we only have a glimpse of what that is.  His way is ALWAYS better!

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

This post was shared at: • Homestead Barn Hop • Soli Deo Gloria • Domestically Divine • Gratituesdays • Living Well Wednesdays • Works for Me Wednesdays

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