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Hi friend! I am so glad you have stopped by the site. We have such a wonderful community of moms here and we would LOVE for you to join us as we share life and learn together!

Freefall to Fly {A Breathtaking Journey Toward a Life of Meaning} & Giveaway

Freefall to Fly {A Breathtaking Journey Towards a Life of Meaning} & Giveaway ~www.thebettermom.com (NOT a bad link) What makes your heart sing? What is that one thing that you love to do, that stirs your heart and makes you feel alive? Whatever it is, its something God placed in you, as he delighted over you, as he wove you together in your mother’s womb- it is, as Rebekah Lyons calls it, “your birthright gift.” Did you know you had one? Sometimes as moms, in the busy years, the years with tug a pull and very, very little margin, we can forget those gifts were ever there.

I’ve spent a good long while in seasons that felt too busy to breathe, too dark to see any light. They felt crushing and I felt so alone, so far from what I thought my life would be like. At the time I couldn’t imagine any other mom felt like me, so out of control and displaced, a bit lost and beat down, a little too shabby to cultivate the dreams that had been stored up in my heart.

It is still a rare delight when a story  feels a part of my soul almost instantly, when before I’ve finished the prelude, I’m already in tears as I nod and agree and see some of my own story woven in the fabric of words expressed. Freefall to Fly was one of those rare delights. Rebekah Lyons shares her own journey of her family’s move to New York City, her own struggles of how anxiety and fear began to lead her into a downward spiral that ultimately led to total surrender to, and a tender rescue by a loving Heavenly Father.

familyAuthor Rebekah Lyons and her sweet family in NYC.

Rebekah’s is a story that invites you to find your own among the pages, to recognize what breaks your heart and surrender the sorrows you carry, to let God reveal the talents he placed within you, to let him lead you into a life that is full. When we grab hold of our “birthright gifts,” when we recognize them in our sisters and friends, when we begin to affirm their use in our homes and in the body of Christ, we begin to come alive. We awaken to our calling and purpose. For the mom who feels a bit lost, who longs to be known, who longs to steward the gifts of her soul inside her home and in the world- let this book be your guide. Join the journey.

We are so excited to be giving away three copies of Freefall to Fly today!  To enter to win, leave a comment telling us one thing that makes you sing- one gift that is unique to you, that brings life and joy down deep. I can’t wait to hear about the beauty with you, sweet mamas!

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3 Steps to Style in Motherhood {giveaway}

Do they have to save the drama for the mama?