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3 Steps to Style in Motherhood {giveaway}

3 Steps to Style in Motherhood

As mothers, we have the privileged of being the first to define beauty for our daughters and sons. In fact, I feel we are called to be ambassadors of beauty to our family and the world around us, drawing attention to the wonder of God’s design and His passion for beauty.

One area in which we can showcase beauty is with what we wear and how we care for our appearance. Is the way you dress telling your children that God made everything beautiful, or that beauty is an optional part of life? Although it's a challenge for me to care for my personal appearance when so many other things--including 3 children!--are calling my name, I have lately found a measure of joy and fulfillment in this area, so I wanted to encourage you with what's worked for me.

1. Learn to see the Beauty in your body today. There’s no question motherhood permanently changes our figure. But I think we spend way too much time resenting these changes and ignoring the intricate design and wise planning that went into a woman’s body. It’s mind blowing to think of all the little ways He prepared our bodies to birth and nourish children. And that added weight? It enhances our curves, cushioning our laps for children and catching our husband’s admiring eye. The first step to embracing beauty in the season of motherhood is seeing the glorious beauty of God’s design, and owning our new shape as perfect for the season we’re in.

2. Develop a strong sense of your personal style. Chasing after trends is expensive and time consuming. I recommend spending more time studying and learning what your personal style is and less time on current fads. Use Pinterest or Polyvore to browse a variety of styles and create a collage of what delights you personally. Watch for recurring details, colors, and textures that draw your eye, and let those themes guide future purchases. If you happen to adore what’s trending this season, that’s fine, but let your purchases and outfits be defined by what you love, not just by what everyone else is wearing.

The Core Outfit Strategy

3. Use the Core Outfit Strategy. If there’s a look you love, don’t be afraid to recreate it in several different colors or textures, and put that style on repeat. I’m in love with maxi skirts for my summer look, so I’ve collected three, and am now in the process of finding 4-6 tops that I can mix and match with the skirts for quick, go-to outfits for church and outings all summer long. Choosing different shoes, jewelry, and other accessories can add even more variety with the same core outfit. Knowing you can go to your closet and pull together an outfit in 3 minutes means you'll be more likely to embrace beauty in the brief moments you during busy mom days.

If we as moms can dress tastefully and smile at our day--despite the extra weight and tired lines motherhood brings--our children will see that beauty is not confined to the cover of a shiny magazine, but that they live with a beautiful woman every day.

Want more style tips just for moms? Check out my new book, “Embracing Beauty: Practical Style for Every Shape and Season of Motherhood” Available in PDF, Kindle, Nook, or Paperback, it will inspire and equip you as you seek to define your personal style and find the beauty in your body today.

3 Steps to Style in Motherhood ~www.thebettermom.com

Giveaway:  We have three copies of Embracing Beauty: Practical Style for Every Shape and Season of Motherhood to giveaway here at The Better Mom.  To enter, join the Rafflecopter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway



Trina Holden has gained a total of 130 pounds in pregnancy and lost, ahem, not quite that much. But she's still smiling. You can find her most days wearing purple as she homeschools 3 children and pursues her passion for writing on her blog trinaholden.com.

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