I met Mary from The Encouraging Home last fall at a blogging conference. I knew her as a part of the community here at The Better Mom and recognized her name right away! It was so fun to capture a picture in real life!
Recently Mary emailed me and asked if I had ever tried essential oils. I actually have wanted to try essential oils for a long time, and had even purchased some, but I wasn't confident in using them.
Mary sent me a few essential oils to try with her FREE handy dandy guide on how to use Essential Oils! (that was key for me right there...just tell me what to do! :)) With Mary's free guide on oils, I started using them right away. My favorite thus far is the Lemon Oil. My whole family now puts a few drops in every glass of water we drink!
Here is a little bit about the Lemon oil: Using this oil daily may help boost the immune system, bring the body into an alkaline state, and detox your body. Add a couple of drops in a glass jar with water to enjoy a refreshing, beneficial drink. Excellent for cleaning also.
I asked Mary to share her story with you today:
I started using essential oils in July 2011. Our health has greatly improved in so many ways. It is amazing to know that the life blood of the plants that God created is used to heal. Oils are referred to many, many times in the Bible. Frankincense was brought to Jesus and was more valuable than gold in ancient times. It is still considered to be one of the most valuable essential oils.
We have seen a big change in our health. We use the oils daily to boost our immune system, help with colds and flu, fight infection, toothaches, headaches, bug bites, scrapes, cravings, cooking and cleaning. They are our new air fresheners and my perfume.
Another way the oils have blessed our lives is financially. It has provided me additional income through my blog to be able to pay for the oils we use for our family and pay off debt, while helping others improve their health and income. I love to share about the ways the oils have helped us. I also have lots of fun with my customers! We have an Oil of the Month Group, where we focus on one oil each month. I have a Free Guide on my blog to help educate about the oils, why I chose the high quality brand I did, and how to use 9 of the most popular oils, including the ones in the giveaway. I would love for you to join me there!
Blessings, Mary
I am excited to be giving away 3 essential oils today! Read about the oils we are giving away and enter to win below!!
A 5 ml Thieves, Purification, Lemon and Primary Usage Guide/Pocket Reference Guide. Below is a little information about the oils we are giving away:
Thieves: Centuries old recipe and blend of oils that may boost the immune system, fight infection, colds, flu toothaches.. Rubbing on the feet daily or diffusing may help boost the immune system.
Purification: Blend of oils to dispel odors, keep the bugs away, may help with coughs. Rub on feet during the summer may help diminish bug bites, rubbing on chest may help with coughs and adding to a spray bottle will dispel odors and refresh furniture and carpets.
Lemon: Using this oil daily may help boost the immune system, bring the body into an alkaline state, detox your body and assist in weight loss. Add a couple of drops in a glass jar with water to enjoy a refreshing, beneficial drink. Excellent for cleaning also.
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