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Why Loving Your Husband Makes You a Better Mom

Why Loving Your Husband Makes You a Better Mom

How can you shine beauty on God's design for marriage and family in your children's lives? It may be as simple as loving your husband well.

I've learned over the last 15 years of marriage that loving my husband has made me a better mom. It wasn't until after we had our first child and she began to mimic me that I began to understand this to be true. Now, nearly 14 years after her birth, I have watched our baby girl grow up and become a wonderful young lady. I have also realized that some of her character traits have been influenced directly by the way she sees me love my husband.

Now with three precious children in our home, God has given me the privilege to see just how much His design of marriage influences families for His glory. I watch as our children pick up so many things from my husband and I -- the good and the bad. Today I want to share with you three positive traits that I see my children posses because of the love my husband and I share.


I can honestly say that my husband and I try our very best to display great compassion toward one another. Simply because God has show us such great compassion, we believe that we are to honor Christ by showing others around us compassion, especially our spouse and children. I have watched how our children have grown to have great compassion for one another as well as those outside of our family, and know that this filters down from my marriage.

I am so thankful that God has given my husband and I the strength to model His compassion much of the time in our home. While we are not perfect, I know that our children do see more compassion than not. I do my best to model the compassion of Christ toward my husband when the opportunity presents itself.


Forgiveness is such a big part of a successful marriage. The Bible tells us in Mark 10:8 about marriage that "the two will become one flesh". Part of the process of becoming one with our spouse involves a lot of forgiveness because of the sinful nature of our flesh. While Christ died so that we might be forgiven, we still have to choose to forgive one another when we are hurt or offended. While this isn't always easy, I work very hard to walk in forgiveness. I see how our children also are quick to forgive one another because of the way my husband I quickly forgive each other. It is such a beautiful thing to see because we know that without Christ at the center, none of us would be forgiven, let alone forgive others. And this, my friends makes me continue to work hard at being a better mom as I know they are watching my every move.

The Action of Love

One thing that my husband and I promised one another from the start of our courting relationship was that we'd both try our very best to be "love in action". We were not interested in just "saying" I love you as that is easy and many people do that. We were committed (and still are today) to let the actions we make every day speak the volumes of love we have for one another and those around us. And God has definitely shown us that He is at work in our hearts because of the fruit of love in our actions.

I will never forget the first time our daughter told me that she wanted to marry a man just like her daddy. I asked her why she wanted to marry someone like her father and I will always remember her response: because daddy always shows you how much he loves you by the way he acts towards you. And she's right -- he does. The action of love has proven to be a huge success in our home. And I believe as long as we continue to submit our hearts to Jesus, it always will be.

How does loving your husband make you a better mom? I'd love to hear about it!

Carlie K.




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