Hoodwinked Moms Book Club {week 2}
Welcome to week TWO of the Hoodwinked Book Club!!
This week we will be discussing chapters 4-5 of Hoodwinked: Ten Myths Moms Believe and Why We All Need to Knock It Off on Thursday. We will cover these myths of motherhood:
- I Am “Just” a Mom
- Motherhood Is All-Consuming and All-Fulfilling
Below are this week’s questions. But remember, don’t answer them on this post. We will take your answers on Thursday. They are just posted here so you can be thinking about them as you read.
Chapter 4 Questions:
- Instead of people asking, “are you just a mom?” How do you wish our society would acknowledge the position of motherhood?
- Ruth mentions an author that says many moms feel a “loss of self, the terrifying reality that their lives had been subsumed into the needs of their child.” What do you think about this? The Bible says “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”(John 15:13) How do you process this verse and balance it with all that was talked about in this chapter?
- While considering Moses’ mother, think about your life. What have youhad to let go of in faith because of God’s leading?
Chapter 5 Questions:
- Do you tend to overvalue motherhood or undervalue motherhood? How has this affected your relationship with the Lord?
- Karen talked about some of the challenges she faced during pregnancy. What were some of your pregnancy challenges and how did God use that time to grow you or, if you became a mom through adoption, what are some struggles you faced in the adoption process?
- Have you ever secretly wished you could run away? When you experience feelings of wanting to run away, what scriptures do you use to renew your mind? What truth do you hold onto when you are depressed, overwhelmed, or frustrated as a mom?
Looking forward to discussing with you Thursday! See you then!
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