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The Highest Aim of Womanhood is Not Motherhood

The Highest Aim of Womanhood is Not Motherhood

"The highest aim of womanhood is not motherhood. The highest aim of womanhood is being conformed to the image of Christ." -Gloria Furman, Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full

Being a mom is a high and noble calling. There is no doubt about that and those who ache to be moms know this more than most.

But being a mom is not the most significant thing we should be reaching for. In fact, doing so will bring nothing but disappointment, guilt, and unfulfillment on various levels.

Motherhood was never meant to wholly satisfy us.

When we focus too much on motherhood and how well (or poorly) we are doing it, we've allowed it to become our master. We put it over husbands, our needs, and even God when we fail to meet with Him because we have mothering tasks to tend to.

But, when we see motherhood as a gift from God and something that weaves the image of Christ into our lives, our very purpose takes a shift. It is no longer about us. It is no longer about our perfect performance or the constant worrying we moms tend to do.

When God is given first place in our lives, motherhood becomes about Him and His refining us, maturing us, and conforming us to Himself.

It's also about seeing God in our children. Children are treasures from our King and they are meant to be cherished, not merely trained into successful adults.

When we make mistakes as a mom and allow that to dictate our worth, our value, and our confidence it becomes a disease of self-sustaining works. We begin to place our whole purpose in life in how well we mother or whether we mother children at all.

On the other hand, we can pour so much of ourselves into our role as a mom, we have nothing left for anyone else and we've lost sight of the Giver of the gift of motherhood.

"Motherhood is about the adoration and enjoyment of our great God." ~Gloria Furman

You see, despite the curse of the Fall, motherhood is a celebration of life! The mundane tasks are not meant to be the fulfillment of your life. But seeing Christ in them is where joy is found! It's not something you'll need to drum up and force yourself to do. It's something you'll recognize as you seek Him first and allow Him to fulfill you. This will flow down into every part of your life.

Our highest aim should be Christ and to become a woman conformed to His image. This, this is the place where fulfillment in Him is found and joy as a mom is sustained.

For His Glory,

Christin Slade

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