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Simple Ways to Survive Spring with Essential Oils

Simple Ways to Survive Spring with Essential Oils

Could there possibly be a more beautiful time of year?  The flowers are blooming, the trees are budding, and everywhere I look I see vivid green grass.  Oh, the colors!  I mean, really, do you ever stop to think of how just SEEING these pretty colors helps your mood?  Okay, maybe itโ€™s just me.  But seriously, itโ€™s not winter anymore and for that I.AM.THRILLED. 

However, itโ€™s May.  And for my house this means red, itchy eyes and runny noses.   Even now as I write this, my windows are closed and my oldest son is sitting right by the diffuser (playing X-Box of course) letting the soothing aroma do its job!   So I must share with you how we get the most relief from our seasonal symptoms.   There are a few oils this time of year that we simply canโ€™t go without.  Every day (and night for that matter), we have peppermint, lavender, and lemon (3 drops of each) added to our diffuser.  This combo soothes our seasonal symptoms and makes life bearable for us.  Iโ€™m not even kidding.  Before we started using this, I couldnโ€™t take my son out in public without someone asking if he was ok.  The childโ€™s eyes are just sad, people.  He used to get sent home from school because they thought he had pink eye!  Thankfully now we start diffusing in April to get a head start on it.  You can also put these oils on your feet for an extra boost.  Oh, and the beautiful thing?  All three of these are in the starter kit!

Besides the fabulous red eyes and runny noses, May has also brought with it some new visitors to our home.  One of those annoying visitors is ants.  And those little guys arenโ€™t easy to get rid of!  Luckily I found this great recipe.

  • 1/4 cup purified water
    • 1-3 drops clove essential oil
    • 15 drops tea tree essential oil
    • 15 drops peppermint essential oil
    • 1/4 cup vodka (used to help suspend the oil in the water)

Just add it to a spray bottle and spray around windows and doors.  It works like a charm!  Hopefully these tips will help you enjoy your Spring!  And if youโ€™re interested in learning more about oils, head on over to our oils page

Until Next Month!



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