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When It Feels Like Your House is in a Constant State of Clutter

I had been avoiding my youngest daughter’s room for weeks. Her room was literal mayhem. Every. single. bag, pouch, box, or really anything that could hold anything was stuffed with clothes, pens, markers, crumpled pieces of paper, LOL dolls, or mini figurines. Underneath her bed and every drawer and bin was stuffed to the max with all the things. I don’t even want to talk about her closet. I even found two wet bathing suits in a plastic bag from TWO MONTHS ago! Yikes!

Usually I’d be a bit embarrassed to admit the state of all the closets, cupboards and bedrooms in my home, but a few weeks ago when I asked you what you wanted to know about an (amazing) ebook bundle that released today, you said organization and clutter.

I was a bit shocked by the response of so many women who collectively said

HELP me get organized.

HELP me get rid of the clutter.

Over and over again.

When I think about Sophia’s room situation it does make me chuckle a little. I mean laugh or you’ll cry right?! But in all reality every time I passed by her room I felt overwhelmed and the burden of just another thing on my never ever ever ending to-do list.

So, this past Sunday, while she was gone at basketball, I spent almost three hours cleaning her room. It was actually the search for her basketball shirt that started the whole cleaning process. We found her shirt at the last minute and as she walked out the door to practice, it dawned on me that the perfect time to go through her entire room was now, while she wasn’t there. So for a couple of hours I decluttered non-stop and the very first thing that I said to my hubby when I was done was… “I can’t even tell you the relief that I feel now that her room is all cleaned and ORGANIZED.”

There is something that happens within me when there isn’t constant clutter and disorganization around me. I can breathe! I feel lighter! Things feel right. I know that may sound silly to a few of you, but I’m guessing you probably get it…remember the survey I was talking about a few weeks ago? It seems like most of us need help in decluttering and getting organized.

So where do we go from here?

Well, first and foremost let’s just recognize that nothing will ever be perfect and all in order. Nothing. Until Jesus returns! I feel like that is important to note. Sometimes we are searching for order because there is a deeper issue going on. We need to remember to go to God FIRST for our source of peace. Let’s remember that first!

With that said, the reality is this: if you’re like most women, your plate is full. And caring for your home, your family, and - especially! - yourself can be overwhelming at times.

I’ve realized that what helps me immensely is to actually have a plan. Look ahead. Take action. It can take a bit of work to get things in order, but once the system is in place it is easier to manage all the things. The problem is finding the tools to help you get started. You wanted to know if the homemaking bundle would help you and I am thrilled to say a thousand times…yes! Here are just some of the resources to help get organized!

The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle has been selling since 2012, and over 127,000 women have purchased a copy to learn practical strategies for decreasing stress and making a home (and life!) they love.

Every year they put together a fresh, new bundle. That way, they’re able to create a collection of the most inspiring and helpful resources out there… all to help YOU make the best of the season you’re in.

When you buy the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle you’ll get access to:

  • 27 eBooks

  • 30 eCourses & videos

  • 25 printables

  • 16 workbooks

  • 3 summits

  • 2 membership sites

ALSO—>>The resources aren’t all about clutter, although that is where my mind is right now :). Here are just a few examples of other great resources that are included to help us too!!

The creators behind these resources are 100+ women who have struggled with the same things as you, but have learned (and will teach you) how they simplify their homes, declutter & organize, put healthy meals on the table, nurture strong family relationships, and practice good self-care.

Best of all, you can get it all for just $29.97.

One last thing (for now)...Along with your Ultimate Homemaking Bundle purchase, you’ll have the chance to get an additional mini-bundle that will help you in your walk with Christ for just $7! If you want to invest in your faith this year, check it out after your Homemaking Bundle purchase.

I’ll be back over the next few days to tell you more details about this bundle sale, but for now...

Check out the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle below: 




P.S. If you buy by midnight tomorrow, you can also get a free online class from The Nester called “The Cozy Minimalist Embraces Summer - a $29 value. Get your home ready for summer, impress your guests, and delight your family with some Nester-inspired encouragement. Check it out HERE.

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