Don't Go It Alone
One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24
We haven’t only been saved into a relationship with Jesus; we’ve also been saved into a relationship with Jesus’ people with God as our Father. Together, we are growing up as God’s family. Relationships were never meant to be optional in the Christian life.
Why does God put such an emphasis on relationships? Because they are one of the primary ways He works in us to teach us, encourage us, and grow us.
Sometimes, though, friends get pushed to the back burner when kids come along. It’s far easier for many of us to be private instead of vulnerable, busy instead of available, and isolated instead of interdependent. As a result, we miss out on the joy and blessing of sharing life with other friends. Yes, relationships take work, but the effort is so worthwhile.
At the very beginning of the Bible, God said it is not good for a man to be alone (Genesis 2:18). Together, the first man and woman would have the capacity for intimate love and meaningful friendship, both of which help show the world what God is like (Ephesians 5:21-27). The rest of the Bible shows us that life is meant to be lived in community with others.
One of the greatest dangers of motherhood is not just isolation from our spouses, but isolation from other people. We were meant to live in relationships with others who will encourage us, pray for us, listen to us, and even hold us accountable.
Do you need to make friendship more of a priority? Is there someone you need to seek out for wisdom, encouragement, or just companionship? Be careful of trying to be a mom on your own! You weren’t meant to go it alone. Friends are an incredible gift. God uses relationships to help us become better not just as what we are doing, but also better at who we are becoming
Excerpted with permission from The Better Mom Devotional by Ruth Schwenk, copyright Ruth Schwenk. Available everywhere books are sold.
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