All in Marriage/Relationships
What does your marriage say to the world? In big ways, and small, our lives can shine the love, sacrifice and character of Jesus. Join Ilya as we discover today how our marriages can be a light to the world- but also how we can shine the love of Christ to our spouses.
When was the last time you asked his husband what his dreams are? Does he know yours? Whether large or small, looking for ways to make your desires a reality- together- can help build a beautiful, and adventurous life. Start today!
Are you struggling in your marriage? God desires to be your refuge and strength right where you are...
Sometimes as moms, what our kids say serve as the best mirror of our own hearts. Do you struggle with knowing what to say, how to say it, or when to say nothing at all? Join us for a season of learning together how to guard our words and use them well!