5 Prayers to Daily Pray for My Children

Some of the sweetest words I hear my kids often say to me are “Mom, will you pray for me?”  It might be before a recital they are nervous about or a thunderstorm brewing outside that causes fear in one of them, or just because something is on their heart.  One thing they know they can ALWAYS count on, is that mom will pray for them.

There's a fifth person in our house now. She smells like springtime.

A person with chubby cheeks and large blue eyes, with a strong neck who already rolls from side to side and whose favorite place is in someone's arms, a person who is completely vulnerable and dependent and whose hungry cry rattles my soul.

And I find myself walking a lot these days. With her in my arms, because she's crying more than any other baby I've had, and also walking outside, alone, down the country roads, searching for God.

Give That Mom a Muffin

Mothers Day is around the corner—the time of year for kids everywhere to color pictures, attempt to make mom breakfast in bed, or drop by the dollar store to pick up a bottle of fragrant perfume. Of course we moms are tickled with even the smallest of gestures from our kids. It thrills our hearts to know they were thinking of us. But kids aren’t the only ones who can remember moms and attempt to make them feel loved.

There are so many of you who love to grab this incredible deal every year and I want to be sure you don't miss out! This is the VERY LAST DAY!!

The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle comes out every year with a brand new set of resources each year to help us in parenting and homemaking. This {in my opinion} is the very best bundle sale available. The books and courses are so very practical and make up an invaluable bundle we couldn't get anywhere else at such an incredible price!