Over two years ago my husband launched an incredible resource for families to teach children the Bible. With literally thousands of children going through The Dig: Luke we are so thrilled to FINALLY announce The Dig: Proverbs

And it couldn't of reached completion at a better time! Summer is the perfect time to grab a new study for your child to dig into the Bible. 

Remembering Memorial Day... When You Almost Forgot

Maybe you are reading this on Monday morning and you didn't really plan ahead for Memorial Day...

Or maybe it's Monday night or later in the week and the weekend was packed full of camping, barbecues, friends, family, good food, and you had a great time, but are realizing that you never really honored Memorial Day in the way that you'd intended.

Just know that it's never too late to pause and reflect.
To give thanks both in word and deed.

As moms there are many things we want our children to know, but as a mom for 25 years now (and my youngest still only four years old) I find as the years past my priorities for my kids focus more on Jesus' priorities. And what was one of those priorities at the top of the list? Caring for “the least of these.” More than anything Jesus wants us to care for those without honor, without resources, and often without hope. When we do this for your children, we are training them to love as Jesus loved.

As Jesus said in Matthew 25:40 (ESV): "And the King will say, 'I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!” 

So how can we train our children to serve the least of these? Here are six ways. 

We moved into our new home an hour away from the familiar with a two year old, a dog, loads of boxes and a second child in my womb.

My husband’s occupation moved us from close friends and family and I must admit, I was none too thrilled to be leaving the comfortable and secure.

Moving to another city where I knew no one was not part of my plan.

Not to mention I was just a month shy of delivering the aforementioned baby.

Or so I thought.

Have you ever asked yourself, “how can I be a better mom”?

There is a movement among women today. Moms everywhere are opening up, being real, and sharing about the sanctifying side of motherhood. The side of motherhood where our sinful nature is revealed and where by we are humbled and brought to a new realization of how unworthy we are of God’s grace, yet how overwhelmingly grateful we are for it at the same time.

None of us are immune from being tempted by the enemy’s lies about who we are.