With all the sleepless nights and long days, the beauty of this crown does not portray the reality of everyday life. But it is symbolic of the honor it is to be a mother.
Hi friend! I am so glad you have stopped by the site. We have such a wonderful community of moms here and we would LOVE for you to join us as we share life and learn together!
With all the sleepless nights and long days, the beauty of this crown does not portray the reality of everyday life. But it is symbolic of the honor it is to be a mother.
Well, well, well. Here we are in June. My kids have been out of school since the last week of May so I am definitely in the swing of summer break! There is no doubt that summer comes with mixed emotions–relief from the intense mornings, lunch packing, and homework, yet a bit of frustration trying to juggle everything you did in those hours they were gone!
Hey guys! I am so pumped to share that I have partnered with ePantry to bring you a great deal... this week only - Monday June 15th, 2015 - Friday June 19th, 2015.
Haven't heard of ePantry??
Well, not too long ago I was introduced to this amazing new subscription service to stock up on healthy products for your home (without leaving your couch...ahem...can I get an amen?!).
I want to share a fun children's book with you that share's a crucial message of truth from the Bible that our children need to know.
Mario's Golden Locket is a sweet, children's book to help serve as a starting place for teaching important, biblical concepts to children.
So many children love stories with animals in it, so it's sure to capture the attention of the children in your home.
On my calendar for last month were two college graduations, eight birthdays, one anniversary, and one adoption. Two of our long-time friends turned 50, and those were “biggies”.
Next month the calendar is even fuller.
I’ve noticed that the pressure to celebrate, in an impressive way, all of the people in our lives has grown over the years.
For as long as I can remember, talking has been my favorite pastime. My teachers used to comment that I talked too much in class. Later on in middle school and high school, I became that chatty girlfriend of the group. Then in college, the thing my husband said he most loved about me was the way I could talk. I could work a room, making the shy ones feel included. I could talk to everyone from the college president to the bag boy at the local grocery store.
Although my husband loved my verbal skills when we were dating, it didn’t take him long on our honeymoon to have this thought: “When is she ever gonna stop talking?” In fact, he has decided, should I go before him, what he will put on my tombstone.
A period.
Yep, I’ll finally be done talking.