When I was seventeen, my best friend, Tania, and I jumped into my white Plymouth Duster and drove from State College, Pennsylvania, to Atlanta, Georgia—straight through in thirteen hours. We drove ninety miles an hour nearly the whole trip. We were reckless and young and crazy. But, oh, did we have fun. Singing at the top of our lungs, windows down, not a care in the world.

How to Parent a Child with a Sensitive Spirit

Most of us enter into parenthood desiring to be the best parents in the world! We have pre-determined expectations we lay on ourselves based upon what we experienced personally and what we witnessed in friends homes. The moment we enter motherhood we want to be the better mom.

But let’s do a parenting audit, a soul-shaping check.

Are our parenting decisions unintentionally corrupting our child’s innocence?

It feels like there is nothing left in me to give.

Have you ever spoken those words out loud or whispered them to God in desperation?

On any normal day, do you feel like there’s not enough of you to meet the needs pressing in?

What happens when normal turns into a string of chaos? Then how do you manage?

Living Hope: New Music From Your Favorite Christian Artists {a Giveaway!}

This post is sponsored by Pizza Ranch. I was given a free copy of Living Hope to review, but all opinions are my own.

It may seem strange to you that a pizza joint would put out a worship album. But everything we do for the Lord is intertwined, isn't it?

Many people who eat pizza still need to hear words of hope and inspiration. That's why Pizza Ranch put out the Living Hope album, with the help of the contributing artists, of course.