As our weather turns cool, part of me is tempted to fight the loss of summer. It seemed to have gone by so fast this year!

I will miss the opportunity to step outdoors at a moment's notice to breathe in the summer air; to step out from being cooped up and enjoy the wide open space in the warm sunshine and to relish in the long summer days.

But if I try to hold onto summer, I will miss what is right in front of me. Yes, the weather is cooling off, but this allows me the opportunity to serve delicious soup and cuddle up with a blanket in the evenings. 

It's not much different when we battle against changing seasons of motherhood. 

I mentioned the other day on social media that I'd just taken a pan of peanut butter apple crisp out of the oven. My pages blew up with requests for the recipe.

So, I'm sharing it here today. It really does receive rave reviews every time. 

We just finished raising our kids. We dropped off our baby at college this week, and he went with his own car keys, bank account, and student loans.  

A few weeks ago, that boy of mine was re-stringing his electric guitar all over the kitchen counter (which he promised me he would clean up when he was done.) I was scrubbing dishes and loading the dishwasher, but I turned off the water and looked at him. 

“Son, I’m not sure I’ve ever told you this, but I am so pleased with you,” I said. “You are the kind of man I always hoped you would be.”