3 Questions Every Mom Needs to Ask Herself

Motherhood comes with lots of stuff — joy, laughter and stress! And, motherhood comes with one thing every mom gets and no mom wants… guilt!


But, one thing it does not come with is a rewind button! We can’t rewind and redo what we regret. But, that’s okay, sister. We can do something to prevent some of the regret.

We can rethink. 

I think we’d all agree that the practical responsibilities of parenting are hard work, but what I find infinitely harder than the day in and day out things that are required of me is being the kind of parent I desire to be. Having a loving, kind, patient, joyful and thankful heart in the big and small stuff — now that’s the real challenge!

Take the other day, for instance. It was a very difficult day at the end of an awful, terrible, no good, very bad week. While I was driving in the car on this particularly trying morning, an “unnamed child” was yelling at me from the back seat because his pants weren’t tight enough, his shoelaces weren’t tied correctly, his shirtsleeves were too long, and the sky was too blue.

Gripping the steering wheel tightly while using up every last ounce of self-control left in my body, I begged, “Lord, you have got to change my son’s heart!”

Your Prayers DO Impact Generations {And 5 Things to Pray}

Do your prayers matter—not just for today or this year—but for generations? Can the prayers you pray today and the faith steps you take this week impact your descendants 100 years from now? Yes, they can!

We all want to know our prayers matter, but sometimes our greatest prayers may not be answered until our life on earth is done. In fact, you may think you're praying about one thing, but God might use those prayers greater in the lives of your descendants than your own. How do I know?

I have a few stories to share.

If you’re like most moms, there never seem to be enough hours in the day. At the end of the day, do you find yourself exhausted with laundry yet to be done and dishes piled in the sink? Are you tired of feeling like life is one big juggling act? Here are 7 ways to get more done every day.

Let's be honest. The disciplines of exercise and scripture memorization are hard, right? We all know we need to be more diligent in these areas but to consistently keep them in our daily routines are such a challenge! Good news! I've got a 5-week challenge to help you sharpen in both of these areas--introducing, the 4th annual "Living+ Active" challenge!