Loving Our Kids No Matter What

I came into the room and saw her immediately. Our youngest daughter Sophia was hiding. She knew she was busted. Guilty. The comical part for me was how she tried to hide. There she was, sitting in the middle of her brother’s room with a blanket draped over her. I guess in her young mind, she figured she was safe. If she couldn’t see me then maybe I could see her!

She did what most of us do when we know we’ve blown it – go into hiding!

5 Prayers to Daily Pray for My Husband

When I look back at my marriage of 21 years I know how much I have been blessed.  I married a great man, a really great man!  However that doesn't mean there hasn't been tough times.  Marriage is work, anyone who tells you it is not is fooling themselves.  We have made countless mistakes, hurt each other with our words and actions, and just plain failed each other at times. We have to be intentional in keeping our marriage healthy and strong!  One of my biggest regrets is not praying for my husband the way I should have early in our marriage.  Oh, I would say back then I'm praying for him, but I wasn't truly giving it very much time.

Recently we saw The War Room.  If you have not seen that movie, see it as soon as possible.  It speaks of the power of prayer and how important it is.  The movie centers around prayer for a troubled marriage but it truly applies and touches on all areas of our lives.

The snowball of circumstances started out small, but before you knew it, the issue enveloped your every waking moment. You’ve always been a fighter, but this time is different. It all seems too much and getting out of bed is no longer a joy, but a chore. You previously were labelled as an overcomer, but right now, all you feel is overwhelmed.

Everyone around you seems to be looking at the mountain ahead with an optimistic spirit, dreaming of the view at the top. But you can’t fathom the destination. It’s too far away and the obstacles are too numerous to process.

How can you keep going when everything is going wrong?


When I was in college, I did Young Life ministry to high school kids. We "leaders" spent a lot of time talking about that verse that says to be ready to preach the Word "in season and out of season.” (II Timothy 4:2) For us eager evangelistic college kids, this meant that - who knows? ANY RANDOM MOMENT someone might pop out of a dorm room and say, “You seem like a Christian. Can you tell me how to get to heaven?” 

And we needed to have an answer, right then. In season and out of season.

There are a million parenting choices, lifestyle choices, and personal convictions that can be used to create division among moms. Virtually every decision one could make can become a point of contention.

How you choose to engage October 31st in your home is your choice, but even so it can become a point of argument between couples and friends and it shouldn’t be.

My son was just under a year. He was playing near my husband across the room from me. My husband could tell that my spirit was wresting on the inside.

“What’s wrong babe?” he asked.

I sighed. I wanted to explain how I was feeling, but I didn’t know how. Did I even understand this emotional chaos churning inside? I shook my head side to side motioning a burden of disappointment.