This is the gospel. Can you picture the creation, the streams and rivers, the wind on your cheek, the leaves crinkling to the ground, the snow falling on the tip of your tongue, the beauty of the whole earth….. waiting with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God? Looking ahead to its own future glory and freedom? 

And today, in the fall, when the leaves are burning scarlet and I can so easily loose my breath when I take in the smell of fresh earth and feel the tangle of my hair from the wind sweeping past; I know my Creator a little more. 

Five Fab Fall Soup Recipes

Fall is my very favorite season of the year! Yes, I love the weather and the leaves all aglow, but another thing I love is the fabulous food! There is nothing better than a warm pot of soup simmering on the stove! We are sharing five of our fall favorites to serve up to your family!


5 essential recipes to make this fall, FABULOUS! 

I felt the joy of accomplishment.
I made it to Costco.
Laura was only 2 weeks old. I was cleared to drive. And it was my first outing by myself as a new mama.

My plan was to leave her in the infant carrier in the cart, so I'd have my hands free to pick up the groceries we needed. I was smiling in the joy of new-mama-figuring-things-out success...

“To be an effective parent, you must let your children know what you expect from them, and then you must be close enough to the action to be able to regularly inspect their work.” -- Zig Ziglar

Yes, Mr. Ziglar, I couldn’t agree more.

The phrase ‘inspect what you expect’ definitely drives leadership practices and business circles (Google it and see).  I believe applying this concept to motherhood can reap healthy benefits as well.