7 Tools for Calming Angry Kids

In the past three years John and I have adopted seven children from foster care, which means we've had to deal with a lot of angry kids. 

Anger displays itself in many ways. I've had children yelling, screaming, kicking, fighting, and throwing things. I've seen looks of pure hatred directed at me. (I know the meaning of “if looks can kill”!) 

I've been told things like, “You're not my mom!” “I'm going to call my caseworker!” and “I want to leave!” Anger has been directed at me, my husband, and our other kids. 

I've learned that anger stinks, and anger doesn't make anyone feel good—

This morning our six year old made herself some toast, buttered it, cut it into tiny squares with kitchen scissors, dolloped it with maple syrup and then poured herself a large glass of milk... that she accidentally knocked into the corner of the table as she carried it over and everything proceeded to splatter onto the floor in a sticky, soggy mess.

Now, often, this would have been an internal battle for me not to get angry.  My first response is not always one of calm and reassurance when a mess is created...

“Patience is a grace as difficult as it is necessary, and as hard to come by as it is precious when it is gained.”

If there is any area of our lives that illuminates this quote by Charles Spurgeon, it’s parenting.    We want to be, no, we desperately long to be patient and self-controlled, but how often does our anger win?

For 16 days of the Christmas season this year, I loved, served, provided for, stayed up late with, and gave extensively to my four children who were all home for Christmas. I love them and love having them home.

But on day 17, as Clay, my husband, and I we were putting up the Christmas decorations, and I was washing dishes after making one of the last breakfasts we would have together, I looked toward the den and saw all four of my kids lounging on the couches, sipping coffee and giggling about life together.

It should have been a memory making moment, but some mysterious monster invaded my soul, and darkness filled my mind and soul and I began to spew!