The Fight Against Mommy Anger

Anger seems to be a common struggle among moms. There will always be triggers that make us angry, it's what we do with our anger that matters. 

I think we often forget we are parenting children, not adults and raising people who are born into sin and prone to it, just like we are. This is all the more reason for us to parent our children with grace. 

Parenting with grace does not mean our children get away with everything. Parenting with grace is simply how we approach conflict with our children. Discipline and correction are still given, but it is in the manner they are given which constitutes grace (or lack thereof).  

What we need is a perspective shift. 

Anger is an emotion that I am all too familiar with. I grew up in a house full of anger and carried that with me when I left the home for my undergraduate studies at Washington State University.  I was a mess. It was there, nearly 20 years ago, my anger was confronted by the gentle love of Jesus and my life has never been the same.

My anger as a mother is something I am deeply ashamed of. I'm objective enough to know that I am a good mother to these children. 

But sometimes - where does it come from? - from within me erupt these raging, explosive, barking words. I know the second the words leave my mouth that I'm sorry. That - no matter how just my cause - I have lost my temper. Again.