Establishing Family Traditions for the Spring Season

Oh, oh, oh, it is soooo close. The smell of Spring is in the air, and I can hardly wait! The piles of snow, sidewalks and streets riddled with salt, and bone-chilling bursts of the wind that take up a typical winter will be long gone. As we enter a new season, it is a time for us to continue some and create all new traditions in our homes. 

Traditions are important.

How to Protect Your Family from EMF

I care deeply about the food we eat, the chemicals we expose ourselves to and the overall way we take care of ourselves. I am not naive when it comes to how different our world is then it was 100 years ago. Things have changed rapidly and I believe that with each change, we have a responsibility as human beings to educate ourselves and have an awareness of our way of life, including what we eat and what we expose ourselves to.

Because this is a passion of mine I was intrigued when Defendershield

With the boy it was a wet towel on his bedroom floor, growing a smelly mildew into the carpet all day. With the girl it was the look she made sometimes when I asked her to help with dinner.

Stinkin’ kids.

It was easy to rest in my aggravation, but the more helpful thing to do was to switch hats.

Time to be the teacher.

Do you know that you have a built-in mechanism to take care of those every-day (or not so every-day) frustrations? Yes! God, in His awesome mercy and design created our bodies to move and for specific chemicals to be released after we do so which can help us manage those frustrations and anger. 

I walked into my sons' shared room, awkwardly carrying a basket overflowing with fresh-smelling, newly-laundered clothing.  As I gingerly stepped through the makeshift obstacle course which this time included a truck, two books, and some unidentifiable, crumpled shirt, I must admit a bit of a frustrated mama-growl.  "BOYS! Why is this room such a mess?" I hollered into empty space. The summoned boys didn't answer, as I realized they were probably playing happily in the back yard, having escaped my instruction to pick up first while I was emptying the dryer...

Is anger wrong? Would you be surprised if you learned that feeling angry is actually ok? What we must beware is sinning in our anger. Don't be afraid of your emotions, they are likely telling you something! Here's how to engage them with self control.