3 Battles in The Fight For Moms To Rest

Are you getting enough rest? Not just a simple night's sleep, but soul satisfying REST! If you want it in your life, chances are you are going to have to fight for it. Preparing for these three battles along the way will help get you ready to make  rest a reality in your life.

The Risk Of Loving Someone Greatly

Intimacy in marriage is a risk. Its scary to reveal our true selves again and again, to let someone in and to love so much. But when we take the leap? Peace enters not only our marriages, but reigns in every area of our lives....

Freedom That Brings Rest

Intentional mothering is the hardest thing many of us have ever done! It never ends. And being a mom can be all the more difficult when we take on the convictions and rules of those around us, instead of seeing how God would lead us by faith to bring glory to him in how we nurture our families. There is a freedom from Christ alone that brings rest to our mothering- are you holding it today?

I Don't Want to be a Good Homemaker Anymore

If you struggle with keeping a clean home, this is encouragement straight to your heart today! Its time to cultivate gentleness toward ourselves as we strive to keep our homes neat, so that we can be gentle towards and really love all those who inhabit them!