Finding Rest in the Example of Those Who've Gone Before

Are you too tired to pray? Sometimes when exhaustion takes over, it is difficult to find words to give form to the cry of our hearts. In those moments, we can look to God's word and to the words of Christians who have gone before us... This prayer of St. Patrick is perfect for March, and for tender, tired hearts.

How to Find Rest through FOCUS

Do you long for rest, but put it off until everything on your list has been checked? All of the things not yet done become the tyranny of the urgent and rob us of rest. Let's learn how to steward well all that God has given us, and also restore our souls. Let's  FOCUS.

4 Ways to Curb Anger Before It Strikes

She had finished washing her hands, just like I asked her, and we were almost there. The goal line. The finish. You know- bedtime. That glorious moment when light shines down on the pillows of small children and Mama prays, then breathes a huge sigh of relief.