Learning to Live Well {a summer bible study}

Many of us have lives that are full.  We have full bellies, full closets, full calendars, full trash cans, full purses and full email inboxes.  But at the end of the day, we are empty.  God made us all with a built in desire to find the meaning of life and to spend time on things that are meaningful. Join us this summer as we learn to live well....

When Motherhood Has You Worn and Weary

Does your child's bad choice make you a bad mom? Do you think you have to do everything right or your child will turn out wrong? Are you trapped in the rat race of motherhood and find yourself believing that a good mother can do it all, all at once?   It is time to de-bunk these myths of motherhood that have us feeling "less than" and "not enough". It is time to walk in the freedom of God's word and discover a fresh new vision for the age-old calling of motherhood.

The Refining Power Of Marriage And Family

Marriage is a joy, but it also has a singular power to refine us.... if we will only let it. Seasons of grief and sorrow mold us, and shape us. It is this way with motherhood too. Will you let God shape you through the beautiful and through the rough moments?

A Mother With No Regrets

Do you still hold the dreams you had for motherhood close to your heart? Do you find it easier or more difficult to live your days with great intention now? We all want to be moms without regrets, and we're here cheer you on toward the same goal, through your own sunny days and even your hailstorms.