When You Want to Raise Strong Kids, but Hide Them Away at the Same Time

This world is harsh and broken, and most days I want to just hide my kids away and protect them from it all. But then I look at Jesus. Jesus commanded His followers to let the little children come to Him. And Jesus went where it was hard, and dirty, and people were broken. So, if we want our children to walk with Jesus, we need to teach them how to do it in our broken days....

Don’t Blink is a book about life lessons from a couple who’ve had their perspective dramatically changed in the most beautiful way. Anyone can read this book and whoever chooses to, will walk away cherishing life more, being more patient, and becoming increasingly aware of the simple, yet grand blessings which are all around...

Are You A Mommy Hypocrite?

Do you expect more from your children than you are able to do yourself? How about your behavior? Our words and actions speak volumes to our kiddos, but sometimes, our sin can be what we (and they!) focus in on. Take heart! There is a way to restore integrity if you feel like hypocrisy is taking over your motherhood.

6 Ways to Encourage Learning in the Home

Do your children love to learn? Its back to school and homework and all the piling on of academics and in the midst, it can be easy to see the enjoyment of learning squelched in our kids. These five ideas might be just the thing to revive their hearts and inspire their minds!