Nothing New Under the Sun

The life of a mama can often feel like mundane repetition. If you are stuck in a rut, yearning for something new....we feel you. But we want to help you embrace the gift of today, just as it is.

So Long Captivity, It’s Time to Live Free

Do you harbor old wounds, unhealed, unfurled places deep in your heart? Sometimes at this time of year, they can be poked and before we know it, an ordinary situation has us reeling with difficult emotions. Let's come to the Healer together today!

Do You Love Your Kids More Than You Love Jesus?

Sometimes as moms, our love and concern for our children can eclipse everything else in our lives....even our relationship with God. Do we trust him fully with our lives? With our children's lives? Here are a few questions to direct our hearts to the one who holds us together and loves the gifts he has given us more than we ever could.