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Three of my MUST-HAVE Healthy and Beauty Products

Three of my MUST-HAVE Healthy and Beauty Products

I live in a world where I like to think I look young. I have a serious problem. It seems as though whoever I am with at the time, I miraculously reverse my age to match theirs. For example, when Iโ€™m hanging out with those ever so fun teenage girls at church, it doesnโ€™t even dawn on me that Iโ€™m not 16 anymore.  I talk like them, laugh like them, and yes, I even dress like them.  Even though my jeans with all of the holes are probably 10 sizes bigger than their double zeros, I still think Iโ€™m pulling it off.

But then it happened. 

It was as if suddenly when I looked in the mirror the other day, a cruel joke was being played on me.  I had bags under my eyes.  Bags.  Seriously, what was happening?  I have never had bags under my eyes!  Maybe some darker circles now and again, but bags? Really?  And then it dawned on me.   Hello?  Youโ€™re a Young Living Consultant.   Surely you can take care of these pesky bags.  I cannot believe how these oils work on literally everything. My tired eyes were soothed like I've never seen before. And I just happened to have the two perfect oils for the job. 

First, I went to the coconut oil as my carrier oil.  Then I mixed 5 drop of German Chamomile and 5 drops of Lavender.  I put this wonderful concoction on right before bed and when I woke up in the morning โ€“ VIOLA!  I had my eyes back!  What a relief!  Then it got me to thinking.  There are so many amazing products that I need to tell you about for skin care and beauty. So here are my top three MUST-HAVE products to keep yourselves looking 16 (okay, maybe thatโ€™s an exaggeration, but like I said, I have a problem!)

  1. Frankincense โ€“ Oh my word โ€“ this oil.  It is literally my go-to oil for just about everything.  It has such amazing healing properties.  And itโ€™s also known to smooth the appearance of healthy-looking skin.  Anything that can smooth this aging skin of mine is going to be fully stocked in my oils cabinet All. The. Time.  And you guys, what it is up with pimples that just come out of nowhere on a 39 year old woman?  Oh my word, maybe I really AM 16!  But Iโ€™m telling you, this stuff helps diminish these crazy, out of the blue, pop-up pimples too. I like to apply it neat, with no carrier oil.  But if you have super dry skin, just mix it with some coconut oil and a few drops of Lavender and youโ€™ve got yourself an out-of-this-world moisturizer.  ANDโ€ฆthe best part โ€“ this oil comes in the starter kit!

  2. Orange โ€“ Orange you ask?  Yes Orange.  Apparently my excessive coffee drinking does have one annoying downfall.  My teeth donโ€™t want to stay quite as white.  I just started using this oil to help with this.  I used to use products that I could buy at our local grocer, but my teeth always hurt from sensitivity in the worst way.  I have been adding one drop of orange on my toothbrush before brushing.  And really, Iโ€™m seeing a difference already!  You might also want to try the Thieves Aroma Bright Toothpaste in combination with the Orange oil.  It gently removes stains with the help of natural abrasives.

  3. Satin Facial Scrub โ€“ This scrub is like a spa experience at home.  I am not even kidding.  It has Peppermint oil in it, which gives you that relaxing tingle all over your face.  I canโ€™t believe itโ€™s making my MUST-HAVE list, because a year ago, I hadnโ€™t even tried it yet.  But now that I have it,  I use it every single day.  It exfoliates and minimizes the appearance of pores and seriously, just makes my skin glow! 

There are so many more oils that I could talk about for skin care, but I have to limit myself or youโ€™ll be reading for days!  And so many of the oils in the starter kit are great for health and beauty.  So if youโ€™re interested, head on over to our oils page to learn more! 



Disclosure: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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