I don’t know if you’ve had to make the weighty decision about your children’s schooling yet, but we prayed and talked about it for a long time, finally deciding public school was a good decision for our family. For the most part, I've rarely second-guessed our decision, except when I think about the cussing they have endured. Sometimes I wonder if we should have chosen a different schooling option, just to protect their ears.

Laying a Foundation for Your Preschooler

Something I am learning about having preschoolers in the house is this: I am laying the foundation for them now. This is a season of habit training, not just academics and fun creativity {although that is important as well}.

Laying the foundations of habit training now will save much time and energy later.

The Fantasy of Rest

It's a radiant four pm. The counters are wiped, slick. The sink is empty and dinner is simmering next to my teapot, also humming. The children are willingly lost in the woods out back and the babe still asleep. I can't smell anyone's afternoon sweat and there's not a disparate sock in sight. The only smell in my house, aside from dinner, is the new candle I lit to memorialize afternoons like this one. 

I sink into my chair, alone, with a book and my Bible and I'm ready to receive all that the next full hour of rest has for me.

This is you, too, right? "Once every three and a half months," you answer, if you're like me.

Except in my mind's eye.

If there is room for fantasy for a mother of five who moonlights as a writer, this would be my daily fantasy. Life ordered and quiet -- so that I can actually rest.