3 Revolutionary Ways to View Rest

Can we take a guess at how your day might be going today? You're a little tired... Things to do....people all around who need you? Moms, we get it. That's us too. So we're sharing three revolutionary ways to find rest in the midst of your today.

Need to Find Some Calm in the Chaos??

Hey, friend. Are you craving a little calm in your day?? Could you use just a few minutes to step back and unwind? Oh, do I get it. Like... really, really get it. So many days it would do me (and my family) some serious good if I would just spend some time alone with Jesus...first thing. Whether you are juggling a career, kids' schedules, and church commitments or you're covered in spit-up and anxious about what the next eighteen years might hold, you can carve out a few quiet moments to rejuvenate your spirit. We ALL need that time to refresh ourselves so the best of who we are can pour out to those who matter most to us.  

Looking for Rest in All the Wrong Places

Moms need rest. We crave it, and we are on the look out for where to find more of it! But perhaps when rest comes up short, its because we've been looking for it in all the wrong places. Here is where you will (and won't) find the rest you long for.